24/7 Emergency Service
- What is Eloma Gardens and Yayasan Melanesia Awene Edloma?
- Eloma Gardens is the space or gardens made available by the Yayasan Melaensia Awene Edloma Foundation, set up to allow all clans/ tribes in the world to garden, as a gesture to invite humanities to make peace with nature.
- What is Yayasan Melanesia Awene Edloma?
- Yayasan Eloma or Yayasan Melanesia Awene Edloma is the legally established non-governmental organisation with main task to organise and promote Eloma Gardens.
- What are the activities inside the Eloma Gardens?
- All activities inside the gardens will be focus on "gardening". And the "gardening" activities will be preceded and followed by various rituals and activities according to the customs and culture of clans and tribes involved.
- Who are invited to garden in the "Eloma Gardens"?
- All clans from tribes all over the world are invited. However, primary invitation is extended to all Melanesian tribes, then to Aboriginal, then to Asian, Europeans, Africans and Americans.
- What are the kinds of rituals be held in the Gardens?
- There will be rituals before and after clearing forests/ bushes, there will be rituals before planting, moaning and harvesting the gardens, there will be rituals in all activities in the gardens.
- What are the core festivities within the Gardens?
- The core festivities will be "gardening" and "harvesting". The "social-gardening" and "social-eating" following "social gardening"
- Who are responsible for all gardening, ritual and festival activities?
- There are two separate elders. First one is the Eloma Elders, who oversee overall activities of the Melanesia Awene Edloma Foundation. Secondly, there are elders who are responsible for each gardening and garden within the compound or Eloma Village.